Another day in Paradise

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Postby Di and Sean » Sat Mar 08, 2008 8:31 am

Good morning all,
Happy ladies day ! I am going to milk it today, although Sean has had his cup of tea in bed again, and I am the one doing the work right now. I have just reminded him it is ladies day and he just looked at me and laughed. I think with valentines, birthday and now ladies day, he is getting a bit cheesed off with it !! Bless him, he has a lot to learn. So off to Goritza later this afternoon, to see Ali & Buster. The village will be celebrating ladies day, so I am going to join in and have some fun. Will tell you all about it tomorrow. Enjoy the updates.

Chow for now.
Di and Sean
Posts: 214
Joined: Mon Jan 08, 2007 7:53 pm
Location: Messambria Fort Beach BG

Postby Di and Sean » Sun Mar 09, 2008 8:16 am

Good morning all from a sunny day in Elenite.

Had a great day yesterday, being ladies day, Sean did spoil me. We went to see the pups up in Goritsa, they are very happy there. We took them for a two hour walk about the village. We met lots of nice people and felt very welcome in the village. Groups of ladies everywhere, just having a natter. Some having coffee and cake and some having beer and wine. Which one was I having !!? Got home just before dark, to find one of the local workers who we know and has been here all winter, Phillip, had bought me a present for ladies day. God love him. I welled at this stage. So a good day had.

Chow for now.
Di and Sean
Posts: 214
Joined: Mon Jan 08, 2007 7:53 pm
Location: Messambria Fort Beach BG

Postby Di and Sean » Mon Mar 10, 2008 8:49 am

Good morning all.
Hope you are all well and had a good weekend. We had a busy one, but the sun shined all weekend. Yesterday was hot and sunny, today cloudy but the sun trying to get out. Building work continues, Negresco apartments have shot up at Royal park. Roof complete at Robinsons. More floors going up at Taliana. We were told Robinson's will now be complete September, and Taliana to be complete June/July. Will keep you updated, when we here more.
Have a great day.
Chow for now.
Di and Sean
Posts: 214
Joined: Mon Jan 08, 2007 7:53 pm
Location: Messambria Fort Beach BG

Postby Di and Sean » Tue Mar 11, 2008 8:48 am

Good morning all.
All is well here, sun shining. Sun was shining yesterday, although rain was forcast, so I thought nice one, but low and behold a big black cloud came over and we had a thunder storm. Was not nice at all, I was home alone and quite scared ! Work still happening everywhere, lots of apartment complexes going up in St Vlas. They are going up at a rapid pace. New casino in St Vlas. Enjoy your day.

Chow for now
Di and Sean
Posts: 214
Joined: Mon Jan 08, 2007 7:53 pm
Location: Messambria Fort Beach BG

Postby Di and Sean » Wed Mar 12, 2008 8:36 am

Good morning all,
Running late again this morning, sorry Bridget ! I am waiting for my photographer to get back, he gets chatting to the builders so this delays me, so it is out of my control !! All is well here in Elenite, nice sunshine again yesterday, maybe a little sunshine today. Robinson's have got the flags up now for roof complete, Taliana should have the flag going up anyday. Sea nice and calm, I am checking every day now for the dolphins, maybe a bit early, but with the mild temperatures, you never know. Will keep you updated.

Chow for now.
Di and Sean
Posts: 214
Joined: Mon Jan 08, 2007 7:53 pm
Location: Messambria Fort Beach BG

Postby Di and Sean » Thu Mar 13, 2008 8:51 am

Morning all from a sunny Elenite,
We have heard that plans are in for a new motorway from the airport to Sunny beach, work due to start this month. Will keep you updated if we hear more. It is all go here at Messambria, they have started to paint the white walls. Cladding will be cleaned, and replaced at the end of this season. The big oak really budding and looking pretty. New manager here now Alex. A nice young lad, very polite, enthusiastic with very good english. Had a lovely sunny day again yesterday, really warm. Have a good day all.

Chow for now.
Di and Sean
Posts: 214
Joined: Mon Jan 08, 2007 7:53 pm
Location: Messambria Fort Beach BG

Postby Di and Sean » Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:26 am

Happy Friday all,
The sun is trying to come out, temperature's are mild, birds are singing. Lovely. All is well here, in Elenite. The trees are budding fast, it seems to have gone green over night, all looking spring like. Painting work continues on Mfb. Concrete was being poured all night on Taliana, roof at the front should be finished any day.
Have a good weekend all, more later.

Chow for now.
Di and Sean
Posts: 214
Joined: Mon Jan 08, 2007 7:53 pm
Location: Messambria Fort Beach BG

Postby Di and Sean » Sat Mar 15, 2008 11:57 am

Hi all from another sunny day in Elenite.
Little bit of wind, but lovely blue sky and sunshine. Work continues all around, the underpass at Crown is coming along nicely. Nessebar fort gardens and green areas looking good. Just been into the shop and very reasonable prices, so had a bit of a spend up. 1 litre of red wine, 1.70 lev, that is cheaper than my merlot !! but I will stick with my merlot !
Have a good day all, enjoy your weekend.

Chow for now.
Di and Sean
Posts: 214
Joined: Mon Jan 08, 2007 7:53 pm
Location: Messambria Fort Beach BG

Postby Di and Sean » Sun Mar 16, 2008 7:51 am

Good morning all from another sunny day in Elenite,
Woke up to calm sea, birds singing, blue sky and the sun just coming up. Not a cloud in the sky, it will be a hot one today. I am having a day off to catch up on some bits around the home, Sean gone to work, so I will have some peace ! All being well we are hoping to visit Ali & Buster later today at their new home, they seemed very settled when we last saw them, so will look forward to big cuddles when we visit. Then hope to get time to get a BBQ going on the beach and watch the sun go down, with our old pal Merlot. Have a good day all.

Chow for now.
Di and Sean
Posts: 214
Joined: Mon Jan 08, 2007 7:53 pm
Location: Messambria Fort Beach BG

Postby Di and Sean » Sun Mar 16, 2008 10:28 am

Hi again,
I forgot to tell you this morning, it was early and I was still waking up, that Pfb this year will be running a kiddies club. Based on Pfb for the kiddies of Pfb and Mfb. More details will follow when we hear more.
It is a hot one as I mentioned earlier, so I am having a quiet moment on the balcony topping up the tan. Don't tell Sean, I am suppose to be doing house work....

Have a good day, chow for now.
Di and Sean
Posts: 214
Joined: Mon Jan 08, 2007 7:53 pm
Location: Messambria Fort Beach BG

Postby Di and Sean » Mon Mar 17, 2008 8:38 am

Good morning all,
All is well here in Elenite, still waiting for the sunshine this morning, a little cloudy, but mild temperatures. Not complaining, as I had lots of sun yesterday. Now then, must apologise about the information we gave you on the cocktail bar at Panorama, this is going to be a money exchange. There is going to be a cocktail bar, they have just started to build it, will update you on progress. The under pass is really coming along. Had a drive up to Goritsa yesterday afternoon to see Ali & Buster, my word they are really growing up, big cuddles had. Had a lovely meal with the family then a walk with the dogs around the village. A total different way of life. A great afternoon had. Have a good day and more later.
Chow for now.
Di and Sean
Posts: 214
Joined: Mon Jan 08, 2007 7:53 pm
Location: Messambria Fort Beach BG

Postby Di and Sean » Tue Mar 18, 2008 7:30 am

Good morning all,
Nice and calm and blue sky here in Elenite. Shall not be calm for too long as they are having a mass concrete pour at the sea eye today. The sun is trying to come out, although forecast for a cloudy day. Yesterday the sun was out most of the day and we managed to have an hour on the beach at the Malibu bar. Building work on Robinson's and Taliana continues, more roof's going on Robinson's. We have new puppies on the beach, although they do belong to the owner of the Malibu bar. Five little cute ones only 3 weeks old.
Have a good day all.
Chow for now.
Di and Sean
Posts: 214
Joined: Mon Jan 08, 2007 7:53 pm
Location: Messambria Fort Beach BG


Postby Katie Maindonald » Tue Mar 18, 2008 8:01 pm

My partner & I due to visit my apartment (PFN) next week. I was a little concerned/worried that it would be really quiet with no-one around & nothing much to do. I have read your stories & am re-assured. Its really nice that you take the time to write to us.
Katie Maindonald
Posts: 6
Joined: Tue Sep 11, 2007 9:30 pm

Postby Di and Sean » Wed Mar 19, 2008 8:26 am

Good morning all,
Well it had to happen ! woke up to no sunshine and a bit fresh out there today. It is forecast to get colder mid week, then sunshine at the weekend. All is well here in Elenite, concrete trucks were in demand yesterday, it was like the M6 ! Much more peaceful at the moment. The underpass is coming along, should be pouring concrete anyday. Will keep you informend.
Have a great day, chow for now.
Di and Sean
Posts: 214
Joined: Mon Jan 08, 2007 7:53 pm
Location: Messambria Fort Beach BG

Postby Di and Sean » Thu Mar 20, 2008 8:33 am

Good morning all,
Well did it rain yesterday, it was very cold and the rain never stopped. Woke up to find nice clear sky and dry, but clouding over as I write. All is well here, painting continues on Messambria, all looking clean. The green areas are coming along, looking very pretty again. The daffodils are popping up in all the little villages, which always reminds me of Easter. Bulgarian Easter is at the end of April, so we will just have to cope with 2 Easters this year ! Have a good day all and enjoy your long weekend. I will still be here with your updates.
Chow for now
Di and Sean
Posts: 214
Joined: Mon Jan 08, 2007 7:53 pm
Location: Messambria Fort Beach BG


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