by Di and Sean » Tue Feb 05, 2008 8:13 am
Good morning all,
What fun yesterday, we were without electric for 8 hours, so popped into sunny beach for some food and to keep warm, got home and electric back on, the heaters were all left on so it was nice and cosy when we returned. If anyone is thinking of coming over out of season, it would be wise to inform the manager of your complex, as someone turned up yesterday evening and was unable to get into the apt as all entrances to apts are locked and security had key, but was not informed of arrival and with no power, it took a while for them to finaly get into their apt. All sorted now, everyone happy, but will save hassle if you just let your complex manager know. Well our Robinson's bar has been closed for renevation, and the big opening night tonight !! Have a good day all.
Chow for now.