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hello julie ,vito ,mark

PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 11:15 pm
by Di and Sean
big brother,,,,,,,

PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 11:43 pm
by Di and Sean
hi saw u all listed as browsing ,just thought have a quick chat,,,,im not really big brother.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 11:57 pm
by julie
just browsing to see if theres any news


PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 12:14 am
by Di and Sean
:shock: hi julie what news were u looking 4 in particular,,,,,,

PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 12:24 am
by julie
I was looking for confirmation about the bus service Fort noks are supposed to be starting I e mailed aglaia this morning but didn't get any confirmation from her she just directed me back to this forum so none the wiser really.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 12:38 am
by Di and Sean
hi julie , i wrote a reply on the maintence fees topic earlier on and tried to express the views ,i hope of many ,and shall await an outcome ,i honestly believe that FORT NOKS will aproach this matter vigoursly ,as it is in thier interests more than ours ,longterm,,,,,,i think they just need a push in the right direction,,,,,,,,

PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 12:44 am
by julie
yes i did read it I think we all need to pull together on this one as I remember when we first went to look at our complex we voiced our concerns about being a bit cut off from everything and we were told by the estate agent that there would be a bus provided.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 12:50 am
by Di and Sean
i honestly believe we will have news by the end of the month,,,if not i feel some owners will lose potential bookings,,,,,,,,,,leganosh.[goodnight]...

PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 12:58 am
by julie
fingers crossed

PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 3:25 pm
by Guest
Hi There,
I had an e-mail from Julia at Fort Noks dated 31-01-07 and she said that Fort Noks were laying on buses :D for the complexes. She didn't say when the bus service was due to start and what the timetable for the buses would be. I am hoping that Fort Noks are putting the final details together with regards to the bus service and that they will make an announcement on their web site soon. Lots of people are asking on various forums about the impending bus service, at this moment we know that there is going to be a bus service but we don't know when it will start. Lots of owners (myself included) are saying that the bus service really is important to making our holidays much happier in the future. I expect we will hear from Fort Noks sooner rather than later on this important issue. Get sending your posts in folks and let Fort Noks know the strength of feeling for a bus service. Don't just expect it to happen. GET INVOLED and send in your post.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 3:35 pm
by Guest
Hi there, the last post was mine (Panorama). I wasn't trying to hide my identity. :(