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No Savings on Maintenance fees 3/5 years!

PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 1:22 pm
by Yvonne5676
I was wondering if anybody else has heard the not so good news on the savings if you want to pay 3 or 5 years for maintenabce fees?

This is the email i have just got this morning for Panorama from head office.

Dear Ivonne,

My name is Petya Ivanova and I am working in head office in Sofia - Fort Noks Ltd.
Regarding your e-mail to Svetlna dated 05.03.2008 I would like to answer to your questions.
Actually we don't offer anymore discount for Maintenance and Management fees. There is inflation in Bulgaria and for the moment if you would like to pay for 3 or 5 years ahead there won't be a special price .
Next week we are starting to send letters to all owners of the complexes for the Municipality taxes_2008 .

Kindly, when you receive the letter by e-mail within two weeks if there is some questions , don't hesitate to contact me.

Best Wishes,

Petya Ivanova
Director Overdue Liabilities
Fort Noks Ltd.

tel + 359 2 /931 76 65; 931 76 66
fax + 359 2/ 931 09 23
mobile : +359 /889 099 256
skype -name:

PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 4:10 pm
by julie
Hi Yvonne
We have an apartment at Privelige and I e mailed the office there about 2 weeks ago and was told exactly the same thing. I was just about to e mail head office just to double check and saw your post so it does seem to be the case.