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Free Money - (Discounted Deposit)

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2008 2:34 pm
by Wilfy

I have a deposit with Fort Noks that I am no longer using towards an apartment and I have been informed that I can transfer this to another buyer. Therefore if anyone is in the process of buying or is planning on buying a Fort Noks apartment then you can use my deposit at a discounted rate.

Basically it's free money as I wouldn't expect anyone to use my deposit without getting something from it.

Please feel free to send me a message to discuss further


Re: Free Money - (Discounted Deposit)

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2008 5:40 pm
by ebemark1
Hi Wilfy, does this mean that the solicitors i recommended have been unable to help you?


Re: Free Money - (Discounted Deposit)

PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2008 9:19 am
by Wilfy
Hi Ebemark1

I emailed the solicitors you recommended last Tuesday but did not receive a reply.

I am dealing with another lawyer as well but was hoping to get two sets of legal advice before continuing down that track. In the meantime if I can transfer my deposit to another buyer then it's a win/win situation. I get some money back and the new buyer gets money for nothing (as the Dire Straits song goes)
