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Dangerous Gap in Balcony Railings

PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 12:03 pm
by nibstar

Has anyone noticed the dangerous big gap at the bottom of the balcony steel railings?
I have recently been out with my sister and her children, and when her 18 month old crawled out onto the balcony (3rd floor) he could easily fit underneath the railings. I then noticed that alot of apartments in Grand Fort had chicken wire around the bottom of there railings and some had extra steel bars fitted.
I think Fort Noks needs to look at this dangerous problem before there is a serious accident, it would be horrible if you rented your apartment to find out a child had hurt themselves or worse.

Re: Dangerous Gap in Balcony Railings

PostPosted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 12:32 pm
by BriandShaz

I had the same problem and when i highlighted this to FN they welded in some additional bars to reduce the gap.

I noticed a lot of other apartments have the same problem but FN have failed to address the problem even on the new builds.

So much for Health & Safety!!!

Re: Dangerous Gap in Balcony Railings

PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 9:07 am
by nibstar
Hi BriandShaz,

Cheers for reply, I will email Fort Noks and try to get them to rectify the problem with ours.