Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 8:51 pm
I myself have two apartments in StVlas which I bought two years ago and I am happy with them but all that I have been reading lately is a lot of bad things about the Sunny Beach area and the future of the property market in general and to be honest I am worried.Yes I fell for the Bul***it from MacAnthony Realty about rentals and everything else the same as many others and now looking back I cannot help but think I have made a mistake.I have just returned from StVlas and apartments on the front line are cheaper now than they were two years ago!!!!!I am just wondering if there are any others who genuinely think that in retrospect they might have done the wrong thing and I would like to hear from others who were promised rentals by MacAnthony Realty.I have spoken with MacAnthony recently and they 100% blame Fort Noks for backing out of the rental deals.Funny isnt it how its never their fault.I do realise before anyone puts me right that you should not rely on rental income to fund your apartment.