I guess as more none smokers avoid the restaurant it's going to get worse, which is a shame, allegedly we have 3 Restaurants – Sea food cuisine, Italian cuisine and Mediterranean cuisine - Bar - Vienna Cafe, I would be happy to make which ever is the smallest (
as smokers are in the minority, only most of the none smokers are avoiding the place) a smokers place where both smokers & none smokers can sit, eat & drink together, should they so wish, the remaining restaurants/bars should be smoke free inside & out, where both smokers & none smokers can eat & drink together, as long as the smokers go for a short walk if they want a fag, jobs a gooden
As I see it, your average smoker (
not all) doesn't give 2 hoots about how much it annoys none smokers, all they are thinking about is how cheap they can damage their lungs in Bulgaria, damaging everyone else in the vicinity, & totally ruining their meal at the same time seems to be of no concern
If the law won't or can't stop them, & Fort Noks seem to show little or no interest, lets hope the government will hike up the tax on fags, the link below is interesting
http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/07/01/taxing-cigarettes-saves-lives_n_3527470.html http://www.fortnoks.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=2289&p=9987#p9987