we are thinking of investing in an apartment

Re: we are thinking of investing in an apartment

Postby Whiterose » Sun Oct 12, 2014 2:53 pm

Hi all,

Its not often I send a post but last week after reading Bulgariagetaways somewhat derogatory comments about the Nessebar Fort Club/
Holiday Fort complexes I felt that I had to respond. Halfway through undertaking this unfortunately I had unexpected visitors and when
I pressed the 'Send' button I hadn't realised my message had been 'timed out' and therefore didn't appear. Within my message I asked if owners
in our joint complexes would kindly spare a few minutes to respond to Bulgariangetaways comments and I am now so pleased to see that a number
of you have, so thank you to those owners.

You are correct Jon480, Bulgariangetaway do own and rent out apartments, the ones owned by Barry are in Fort Noks complexes not
actually in Sunny Beach itself but a little bit further out, thus necessitating transport either personal or public to reach the resort. Nothing
wrong with those complexes of course, but in the light of this it may be possibe that Bulgariangetaway had their own agenda for
posting the negative comments they did!

Our complexes are amongst the best maintained in Sunny Beach, if you wish to stay within the complex at any time there are lots of things
to do, and just walking around the lovely grounds (which are flat for those no longer that steady on their feet) is a pleasurable and cost free
experience. As for 'disruptive Russian families,' its a bit ridiculousfor anyone to assume that there are any more (or less) of these on our complex
than on any other complex/hotel either in Bulgaria (or anywhere else for that matter) that tourists frequent.
The office staff at NFC are lovely people and go out of their way to make owners and visitors alike have an enjoyable stay.
Another thing, our two complexes have far more posts than any of the other sites which should be apparent when checking the Notice Board.
Also if people want to advertise their property for sale or rent, for goodness sake what is so wrong with that?
So kay and billy come along, just don't take our word for it, and see the complex and friendly people who visit for yourselves.

Happy holidays to everyone.
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Re: we are thinking of investing in an apartment

Postby Barry Aspden » Sun Oct 12, 2014 4:24 pm

Hi Whiterose,
Just to clarify, www.bulgariagetaways.com is owned & run by me Barry Aspden. www.bulgariagetaway.com is own and run by Brian Fraser, I think it is Brian your posting refers to. As far as I am aware I have never made any derogatory remarks about any Fortnoks complexes.
Barry Aspden
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Re: we are thinking of investing in an apartment

Postby Whiterose » Sun Oct 12, 2014 4:49 pm

Hi Barry,
As both companies names are remarkably similar thank you for your clarification, and for pointing out my error
in respect of the names. Apologies to you for that.

kind regards, Whiterose
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Re: we are thinking of investing in an apartment

Postby Barry Aspden » Sun Oct 12, 2014 6:21 pm

No problem. Basically Brian signs his postings etc bulgariagetaway and my website is www.bulgariagetaways.com.
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Re: we are thinking of investing in an apartment

Postby Mark C » Sun Oct 12, 2014 9:24 pm

We have an apt there and go every year, I would recommend it for sure!
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Re: we are thinking of investing in an apartment

Postby bulgariagetaway » Sat Nov 15, 2014 6:12 pm

It seems that there is a lot of apts for sale on this complex, as most postings are for sale or rent. I thought the forum was for info not advertising rentals etc. which leads me to think that there is some problems with the complex as it is in the sunny beach area which has a bad reputation for hen and stag parties as per television programme ( what happens in sunny beach stays in sunny beach) if anyone watched this you would see the gangs of youths taking over the hotels and complexes for wild party nights where there is drugs and cheap booze supplied by holiday reps the worse the behaviour the better is all that is on these people's minds, so check the area very carefully before buying.

Prices have fallen to an all time low mostly due to people selling out of desperation which is killing the market. I own property outside sunny beach which is well maintained and these parties are not welcome in our area keeping it free of drugs etc.
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Re: we are thinking of investing in an apartment

Postby Whiterose » Sat Nov 15, 2014 7:52 pm

There you go again Brian, almost a mirror image of your earlier derogatory post on these complexes to which many
others apart from myself have reponded positively. I've seen the TV programme to which you refer, and SB is similar to
various other large resorts, and you are rather nieve if you don't realise these are deliberately made to make sensationalist viewing.
If it was normal run of the mill travel stuff it would not attract the viewing figures the advertisers demand to warrant the
production of said programme. I speak from experience having worked for the BBC in compiling independant TV viewing figures
for a considerable time, a series can get pulled off half way through if there are insufficient viewers! Programmes are axed or re-
commissioned on the strength of these ratings.
You both own and rent out properties outside Sunny Beach so for you it makes perfect business sense to promote these (self interest
springs to mind)!!!
Finally of course owners are advertising their properties either for sale or rent on this site, and I don't know why you persist in knocking this,
as I have said before you only have to look at the Board Index to see that this complex is by far the most widely used of all the Fort Noks ones,
and therefore there will be proportionately more sales/rentals highlighted.
Also the present unrest between Ukraine and Russia will no doubt have a negative impact on prices both in Sunny Beach and elsewhere, but hopefully
that in time will be resolved, and the downward trend halted. We live in hope that these politicians will eventually come to their senses, as the
present situation is hurting their domestic economy, and in turn this will have an effect on all property prices in this area also.
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Re: we are thinking of investing in an apartment

Postby ginger222 » Sat Nov 15, 2014 8:25 pm

Well said Whiterose. I also quoted earlier how we loved our complex and go 2 times a year.
I have yet to see naked people cavorting about down Sunny Beach, though having said that we are usually back on the complex by 11.30, I also note that our complex has the most people writing on the forum. Generely most owners are happy
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Re: we are thinking of investing in an apartment

Postby bulgariagetaway » Sun Nov 16, 2014 6:26 pm

Hi all
Just to clarify I bought the website from Brian Fraser some time ago, and I own a apartment on the complex hence I know the problems in the area. I also do not rent apartments I only buy apartments for other people but not as an agent so I know the area well and each complex on its merit. I do not wish to upset people but some areas are not as good as others as they are close to bad hotels and rowdy areas. Fortnoks keep all complexes in very good condition but no one can be held responsible for idiot companies who exploit young people to party all night and cause trouble in the resorts.

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Re: we are thinking of investing in an apartment

Postby jon480 » Sun Nov 16, 2014 8:51 pm

Hi we have all been waiting for your comments. At NFC. Now is it Bruce or Brian trying to make NFC look bad not only about NFC but other complexes there is one hotel near. NFC. Aqua Nevis its a family hotel. Joined to the aqua park. No teenagers. In there. For sure. And I don't think the youngsters down on the front feel. Exploited. They. Are having a ball like most of us did when we were young.don't know about you thought Brian or is it Bruce don't believe every thing you see on telly. if you have to say anything. About NFC say something nice and a few hundred owners will agree with you.
nessabar fort beach
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Re: we are thinking of investing in an apartment

Postby parshak » Tue Dec 09, 2014 3:41 pm

HI guys,

Ive been an owner on this complex for a while now and i love it. Nice to see people defending the complex 8)

I have had guests stay here and they have commented on how nice it is. Language is always going to be a bit of a problem when you are trying to explain something as well as accents. I have found all the staff to be very friendly and helpful.

My family has visited a few years back to back and they also think it’s a really nice place to be. Not too far from the main strip but far away enough to enjoy peace and quiet.

I would not read too much into negative comments as you get those sorts of things all walks of life.

If you are planning on investing, you should come and visit!  :D
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Re: we are thinking of investing in an apartment

Postby monks » Tue Apr 28, 2015 3:17 pm

jon480 wrote:Hi. Kay a billy. We have three. Apts. On NFC. We love it. There. Just spent. Ten weeks going for. Twelve next year when people rent out. You will get the odd. Few unruly. Kids. But that is what the management is there for we have rented out apts for five years never had a problem because. We select who we rent to. NFC is a very friendly complex a we have met lovely people there. Can't wait for next year if you are thinking of buying spend a few hols there first before you decide. Hope this has been a help :

Hi would u have aparment for rend on the 11-26 of July please . I have one there to I need it for a friend. My email address is wendymonks52@gmail.com
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Re: we are thinking of investing in an apartment

Postby Frances » Fri May 01, 2015 7:48 pm

My Daughter has an apartment on nfc and we all love it I spend about 6/7 weeks out there lovely people on site and very friendly staff are also very nice and helpful, hope this is of some use to you hope to see you there
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Re: we are thinking of investing in an apartment

Postby Garyjs » Tue May 26, 2015 12:14 pm

It's a smashing complex, well situated with nice apartment owners.

As Sunny Beach expands the immediate surrounding areas are improving every year.

We don't let our apartment, & we have just paid 6 years maintenance up front, I can't resist a bargain.
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Re: we are thinking of investing in an apartment

Postby ginger222 » Wed May 27, 2015 10:59 am

Hi, just wondering how you paid 6 years maintainance up front is it at a discounted price?. I did'nt think there were any deals to be got. who did you go through was it Aglaia
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