

Postby ginger222 » Sat May 02, 2015 5:27 pm

Whenever I look on the webcams it seems to be raining, hopefully it will all be over for apartment owners arriving in June.
:( :(
Sean we hope the pavements are looking cracking down the front? We would like to think also that all changes are for the better, no doubt we will soon find out. Still haven't heard what has been erected opposite Dijanis as I believe the stalls there were pulled down. It has been so cold here of late that we are ready for a little bit of sun, got to hope so anyway fingers crossed. It's gone quiet on the forum about pulling our complex to bits but all the owners that have expressed that they love it there are the winners coz we have a great time whilst there and are truly happy. :D :D
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Re: Weather

Postby jon480 » Sat May 02, 2015 7:14 pm

Yes it will be intresting to see what is happening in sunny beach and on NFC I think it is going to be busy lot of people.Asking for . Rentals and some good news on the. Reduced. Prices. As long as you pay by the date. Just done it on line for the first time as we are not out until. 12 June. Contact the office for your. Invoice. And its easy from there Lev is looking good also. Just throw in the sun and a few beers and as you say ginger. Out lovely complex. What more. Could one want. See everyone. In June. Joan and john.
nessabar fort beach
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Re: Weather

Postby ginger222 » Mon May 04, 2015 1:58 pm

Hi Jon480,
I have my invoice and will be over in time to pay in office to get my discount. just wondered how you paid on line as you say it is easy ? I have a 4 digit pin number, do you pay in English pounds and is there a charge to your bank for the conversion. I assume you pay through the fort nox website (make a payment). I only ask as if we were unable to get there due to illness I am not sure what to do. looking forward to seeing you both and no doubt Ron & Paulettte x
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Re: Weather

Postby jon480 » Mon May 04, 2015 5:30 pm

Hi ginger. We used credit card more secure paying on line. They take it levs usually give us a good rate we thought we would try it. In case we can't go one year. Contact the office for invioce put in 4 digit no and the receipt is ready to print off. So easy. Will do it every year. Now saves taking to much cash. Looking forward to seeing. Everyone but give us a clue who you are. Apparently you are not. Ginger

John and joan
nessabar fort beach
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Re: Weather

Postby ginger222 » Tue May 05, 2015 3:23 pm

ah ha that would be telling, will make myself known to you when we r out there,yes you r right I'm deffinately not ginger.
Right so have I got this right you used your bank card but surely unless you have a bank card from Bulgarian bank it would covert back to £ on your card and there would be a bank charge for this. or have I got that wrong :?: :?:
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Re: Weather

Postby jon480 » Tue May 05, 2015 4:36 pm

Hi ginger, yes there will probably be a bank charge but worth it for the convenience and security, you going to keep us guessing ?

nessabar fort beach
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Re: Weather

Postby ginger222 » Fri May 08, 2015 7:40 pm

I'm afraid so, well I had a look on the Kubin's webcam and the pavements down to the front look much better. They have allready started putting out the parasols on the beach ready for the season. The building beside the outdoor excercise machines is according to Sean a place for the cleaners. I think it is starting to warm up there but it hasn't been as good as usuall. I think we will be ok though in June heres hoping :D :D
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Re: Weather

Postby LORRAINE & COLIN » Sat May 30, 2015 1:39 pm

Hi!! I pay all my bills on-line. Yes there is a charge on most credit cards for the conversion BUT if you use a Post Office credit card they do not make any charges at all... so win win!!! Looking forward to catching up with you all in June! Lorraine & Colin
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