by Di and Sean » Tue Nov 06, 2007 11:44 am
I have asked the office various questions on this subject today 06 11 2007,as regards electric. These are sent to your complex, the usage of units and the rates are applied. Fortnoks do not make the rate and neither do they make any percentage of profit . As for water the same applies, the bills are via computer to the manager of each individual complex. There are various ways of payment ,you can open a bank account in bg, from there you can pay direct debit, or you can leave money with your complex manager. You can use the services of your property management company, if they do not provide this service then it might be wise to regards credit/debit cards fortnoks are working hard with their bank here in bg, to hopefully have this in place for next year..
If anyone would like us to sort out any bills please email us.