Hi Admin,
Thank you for your quick and detailed response. It is very reassuring to know that you are looking seriously at the bus situation.
We have family members that want to take holidays at Grand Resort, but they have young children and they are not prepared to travel on the local bus ( for obvious reasons ) over crowding which means splitting up on the bus and also the problem of pick-pockets. I feel if we all work together with positive ideas and put the right facilities in place all Fort Noks complexes will be a great success. Everybody had positive comments with regards to the bus service that ran for most of this years season. There was one problem however, one driver was picking up non FN clients and charging them. I think the best way around this problem is to only let people on the bus who have purchased tickets from the main office and do not allow people to pay en-route. If anybody sees a driver accepting money from strangers this should be reported immediately to FN admin.