Dear Admin,
We were out at our apartment for 2 weeks from the 7th July until the 21st July at Messambria Fort Beach. We love it there and have never had reason to complain about anything, until now. When we arrived as we unlocked our apartment door, a dog started barking and carried on barking for the whole 2 weeks we were there. I went to see Alex in the office, who was very nice, he said he had alot of complaints from block C5 where we were staying and would have a word with the owner of the dog. He told me the owner is a bulgarian lady who lives in Sofia and has brought the dog with her. I asked if dogs were allowed on the complex? He said no. This dog had been there for 6 weeks prior to us arriving and was still there when we left. We sat at the poolside bar in the evening enjoying a lovely meal and drinks until it started barking again, everyone was upset about it.
Then to make things worse, there was another dog staying in block A1 We saw this lady bringing the dog out of the main door of A1 and she stood there watching it doing a wee and poo on the pathway!!
I was not informed that dogs would be allowed to stay on the Fort Noks Complex when we bought our apartment and i do not think it should be allowed. There are 2 dogs there already, Wheres it going to end??? "DOG CITY"
Please, Please can you put a stop to this,
Louise and Paul Block C5