Another day in Paradise

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Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Di & Sean » Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:51 am

Good morning all from a little cloudy Elenite,
Lovely sunshine all day yesterday, temperature's got to 17 degrees, it was really warm. Cloudy today and looks like rain. Snow and sleet forcast for the weekend, so winter not over just yet. Stopped off in Sunny beach for lunch yesterday, found a new little place open, by the red supermarket. The menu was limited as it is winter, but a great summer menu with English breakfast for 8 lev. Still no merlot, hope for my supply to arrive today. :wink: Have a great day all.
Chow for now.
Di & Sean
Posts: 1029
Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:32 am

Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Di & Sean » Thu Jan 29, 2009 8:30 am

Good morning all from a little cloudy Elenite,
Looks set to clear and sunshine later, lovely calm sea and mild temperature. Had a little rain yesterday, just cloudy most of the day. Work has stopped again on the Sea Eye, problems with land slide, so all came to a hault yesterday. Taliana still working on the roof top bar. Well finaly got my Merlot, had one glass and fell asleep, must be getting old, or maybe out of practice !! Robo's still open for business last night, will have a walk down there tonight, lets hope we can have one last weekend. Have a good day all.
Chow for now.
Di & Sean
Posts: 1029
Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:32 am

Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Di & Sean » Fri Jan 30, 2009 8:36 am

Good morning all from a rainy Elenite,
Yesterday mild and dry, today rain, just drizzle at the moment, but mild temperature. Not many workers have turned up this morning, all quiet around here. Looks like they are building a petrol station by the go carts in Sunny beach. Still lots of building going on in that area. Robo's still there, but we only have half of a roof, so slowly coming down, he will be open for business for this weekend and then closed :( What are we going to do, life without Robos. Just better make the most of the weekend, hope you all have a good one. Have a good day.
Chow for now.
Di & Sean
Posts: 1029
Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:32 am

Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Di & Sean » Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:08 am

Good morning all from a little cloudy Elenite,
A lovely sunny day yesterday, really warm, long walk on the beach and a beer at Robos. Yes Robo's still holding out, but no roof or walls, so lucky that the weather has been good. How it changes so quick, snow on Saturday straight back to glorious sunshine Sunday. Just seen the news, and plenty of snow in UK today, looks like most will be snowed in. So all is well here, a nice weekend had, bit of a bash last night at Robo's and a celebration tonight, something to do with the vine and the wine, so I must attend, it would be rude not too. :wink: Have a great day all.
Chow for now.
Di & Sean
Posts: 1029
Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:32 am

Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Di & Sean » Tue Feb 03, 2009 8:44 am

Good morning all from a little cloudy Elenite,
Yesterday drizzle all day, but mangaged to clear up later so we were able to attend the celebrations at Robo's. It was men's day yesterday, so that was the party was all about. We all had a few drinks and a warm by the fire. Very little of Robo's left, just the fire and bar, a few chairs and thats it. Still good fun though to join in with a few beers and laughs. Work continues on Taliana, small works on the Royal park area and still building around the Romania apartments. Well I hope you are all enjoying the snow, forecast for us is sunshine starting tomorrow. Have a great day all.
Chow for now.
Di & Sean
Posts: 1029
Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:32 am

Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Di & Sean » Wed Feb 04, 2009 8:33 am

Good morning all from a sun trying to come out in Elenite,
A lovely calm sea, swans bobbing up and down, a little cloudy now, but looks like the sun will come out later. Robo's hanging on in there, should be the last night tonight. Some work has started on the waste ground by Marina view, so will keep you updated on that. Not seen any workers on Taliana this morning, very quiet around here at the moment. Have a good day all.
Chow for now.
Di & Sean
Posts: 1029
Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:32 am

Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Di & Sean » Fri Feb 13, 2009 8:25 am

Good morning all from a little cloudy Elenite,
Well it seems like a week of my posts have gone, so I will try to update with the missing days. Robo's gone now all packed up and the area empty. Work continues on Taliana, still nothing on the other side of Mfb. The area has been cleared next to Marina View, machines and diggers on the waste ground. Weather has been good to us, mostly sunny days. Forecast snow for tomorrow, but keeps changing, so will see. Another weekend upon us, not sure what will happen now our watering hole gone, but sure we will be up to something. People turned up on Mfb last night, so we at least have some company on the complex. So all is well here, looking forward to the weekend, hope you all have a good one. Have a good day.
Chow for now.
Di & Sean
Posts: 1029
Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:32 am

Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Di & Sean » Mon Feb 16, 2009 7:34 am

Good morning all from a little cloudy Elenite,
Hope you all had a good weekend and a great Valentine's day. We had snow on Saturday, not too much but it was quite romantic for Valentine's. Stayed home, kept warm and cooked a roast dinner. Yesterday a little snow, sunshine, then more snow. Had a long walk up to St Vlas, a few beer stops and a lovley lunch, followed by a long walk home. A great weekend had. Still digging up by Marina View, clearing a large area. A lovely calm sea this morning, the swans are still up by Panorama area. Have a great day all.
Chow for now.
Di & Sean
Posts: 1029
Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:32 am

Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Di & Sean » Wed Feb 18, 2009 7:53 am

Good morning all from a sunny Elenite,
Nice clear blue sky, calm sea and the sun is shining, a lovely way to wake up. Looks set for a warm sunny day. :D No update yesterday ! due to no electric, it came back on late afternoon, just in time before it went really cold. All of Elenite out of electric, work being carried out on the road. Spent the day at NFC and HFG, met our friends, part of the NFC 16 ! :wink: we are out tonight at Old Nessebar for a meal with them, to catch up on a good old chat and drink. Digging and work still continues next to Marina view, still clearing the area. A long walk on the beach today as it is so nice, have a great day all.
Chow for now.
Di & Sean
Posts: 1029
Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:32 am

Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Di & Sean » Thu Feb 19, 2009 8:13 am

Good morning all from a sunny Elenite,
Sun trying to come out, little clouds but looks set for a nice day. Lovely sunny day yesterday, but did find it cold. A nice surprise yesterday, Robo's opened ! so a fire on the beach and a few drinks, then off to new Nessebar for a meal. A great evening had. Rumour has it that Robo's might be open again tonight, so quite excited about that, although nothing there now, just the caravan and a few stones for seats, but all part of the fun. The area between Royal park and Pako's has been cleared, not sure what's happening there, will keep you updated. Have a good day all.
Chow for now.
Di & Sean
Posts: 1029
Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:32 am

Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Di & Sean » Fri Feb 20, 2009 7:44 am

Good morning all from a rainy Elenite,
Heavy rain all through the night, set to continue all day. Temperature's quite mild though. Snow forecast for the weekend. No Robo's last night, so a cosy night in with a beef stew and glass of merlot. Off to sunny beach tonight, bit of a birthday bash for me, 21 again tomorrow !! So lots of celebrating over the weekend to be done. :wink: Work continues on the Taliana roof top, nearly finished with the roof bar. Have a great weekend all, and a good day.
Chow for now.
Di & Sean
Posts: 1029
Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:32 am

Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby julie » Sat Feb 21, 2009 8:53 am

Have a great Day

Julie & Hamed
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Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Bridget » Sat Feb 21, 2009 12:14 pm

Happy Birthday Di for today.

Bridget, Pete, Jack & Alice.
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Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby alan » Mon Feb 23, 2009 1:08 am


sorry we are a bit late but Dee & myself hope you had a smashin birthday i bet Sean gave you something nice em :oops: sorry meant bought you something nice :D

Alan & Dee
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Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Di & Sean » Mon Feb 23, 2009 7:08 am

Good morning all from a little cloudy Elenite,
Thank you all for your birthday wishes, a great weekend and birthday had. Woke up to lots of snow on Saturday. Sunny beach was not too bad, St Vlas and Elenite had the most snow. We were snowed in for a while, but mangaged after several attemps to get the car out. The roads were bad on Saturday, by Sunday most of the snow had gone and today the roads are fine again. Looks like we could have some sunshine today. A quiet day yesterday, recovering from a hectic Friday and Saturday. If the weather holds today, a little beach party tonight. Have a great day all.
Chow for now.
Di & Sean
Posts: 1029
Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:32 am


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