Very Unsafe !

Very Unsafe !

Postby Annie » Thu May 21, 2009 9:37 am

Hi All,
Having just come back from a week long very dissappointing break. There are a few things I think you should take note of if you ever intend taking a May break, especially bringing children. Firstly there was only ONE POOL WITH WATER IN IT thats the one as you enter the complex with the slide, which was off .All the others were just massive holes no tarpoline,or cover of any kind.......WAY WAY to dangerous to small children, having said that 2 nights there was no lighting on one side of complex and a lady told me she nearly walked into one of the pools as it was that dark she couldnt see it. One of the pools had 4 FROGS living in it. Secondly NO LOUNGERS !!! was this because there was no one there to collect the daily fee !!!! this was mentioned in the bar. When enquired in office about this they said there were 20 out.........There were 9 as counted by at least 5 people. As the place last week was a mix of welsh and Irish (more of us) I think it is quiet obvious that there are people who like a milder climate so opt for an early and late break(may,sept) and so we shouldnt have to do without the facilities.I do not make a habit of complaining but I really felt let down on this trip, as did the many we chatted to in the bar. So come on Fortnoks summer begins in MAY at least try to have the complex up and organised by the first few days of the month.....NO USE SAYING pools will be filled by the 25 th !!!! By the way the person who wrote on the forum POOLS FILLED, SLIDE ON ITS ALL HAPPENING ON N.F.C...........are you sure you were in N.F.C !
A big hello to all the lovely folk we met thats what made the week better...were well able for the crack and the banter. Special thanks to Eli ,Evan and Gali in the bar its a pleasure to enjoy your food and drink always served with a smile :D .
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Re: Very Unsafe !

Postby June » Fri May 22, 2009 12:58 pm

I think that one of the big problems is that for years the season officially starts the last weekend of May and ended the last weekend nearest to the 5th September, a very short season, Over the past few years it has been extened at the end of the season but again a lot starts to close from the middle of September. Although I agree that now there are many apartment blocks as were before it was only hotels. They still seem to work by the old start season dates.
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Re: Very Unsafe !

Postby Conrad » Fri May 22, 2009 4:16 pm

Hopefully someone has contaccted Fortnoks with this issue.
Maybe next year pools can be filled ready for May
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Re: Very Unsafe !

Postby finbarrk » Fri May 22, 2009 4:18 pm

I made several complaints regarding the lighting not working down the back, near A1 and A2 last year. I'm going again in the first week in June and will be dissapointed if they are still not working.
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Re: Very Unsafe !

Postby Mary lou » Mon May 25, 2009 9:44 pm

Hi Annie,

We are just back from NFC 25/05/09 things have moved on this week, all the pools are filled now, flowers planted by loads of workers over a couple of days, second resturant about to be opened this week. Our biggest concern was there were no safety barriers around service manholes close to the pools. It was really worrying as it was a big drop down into the manhole, and there were lots of young children running around the pool area. It was like waiting for a fatal accident to happen. It really needs a corncertina type barrier to be around the manholes as a safeguard whilst this work is going on.
Apart from that we have no other complaints about the complex. The weather was great, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. The complex seemed to be getting a lot busier just as we were leaving.
Mary lou
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Re: Very Unsafe !

Postby finbarrk » Thu May 28, 2009 8:51 am

Where is the second restaurant Marylou?
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