Shuttle Bus?

Shuttle Bus?

Postby finbarrk » Fri May 22, 2009 4:20 pm

Did I see somewhere here that a shuttle bus is to be in operation this summer to and from the town? If so does anyone know will it be running for the first week in June?
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Re: Shuttle Bus?

Postby wblann » Sun May 31, 2009 6:40 pm

We just got back (27th) and it wasn't running - but they said it should be starting on 1st June - so you should be OK!

Wendy Blann
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Re: Shuttle Bus?

Postby finbarrk » Sun May 31, 2009 8:20 pm

OK thanks Wendy. I'll let ye know next week.
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Re: Shuttle Bus?

Postby finbarrk » Mon Jun 15, 2009 10:27 am

This bus is non existant by the looks of things. They said every day that it would be there tomorrow but it wasn't there up to last Tue anyway.
There is a taxi fella who seems to base himself at the gate in the evenings. It's 8 - 10 lev into town so it's not so bad. I don't think he is an official taxi but he has a yellow car to make him look real.
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Re: Shuttle Bus?

Postby BWFC » Mon Jun 15, 2009 11:23 am

finbarrk- do they have any official taxis in sunny beach. the ones that hang around near the market last year i was looking at the rates they charge they have a piece of official looking paper pinned to the inside of the window. every taxi had different rates. one had 12 lev for the 1st km and they all wanted 20 lev to take us from the market to NFC. i told um they would be sat there all night but they are determined to rip us off. so i just walk back now it only takes 10 min. can u imagine if you got a taxi every night for 14 nights 280 lev which is about £130. its a shame cos sunny beach is great but these rip off taxis give it a bad name they cannot see the harm they are doing to sunny beach.

Re: Shuttle Bus?

Postby Leyland » Sun Jun 28, 2009 12:41 am

Hello. The man with a yellow car usually at the front gates of NFC is called Rumen and he charged only 5 lev to take 3 of us to the Globus Hotel at the front and gave a 2 lev tip. On another occasion we had a taxi from Djannys Restaurant back to NFC and he charged 10 lev for only half the distance, but he gets called specifically by Djannys and maybe has to give a commission to them. I shall phone Rumen to shuttle me to and from airport when I go again on 25/08/09.
His mobile number is 00359 889 572 729.
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Re: Shuttle Bus?

Postby June » Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:10 am

Taxi prices in Sunny Beach have always been a big problem. My only word of warning if you use an unofficial taxi, this is one with no number and the correct paperwork also when taking fare paying people the taxi must have his taxi light on the car, you will not be insured if you have an accident.
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