Hi all
I can understand people being suspicious but I'm no fraudster, I have an apartment in Aspen Golf, I write reglularly on the Aspen Golf forum on EOW as Kev2 and have done so for around 3 years and have posted hundreds of times over that period, they are all recorded there (69 pages) see webpage
http://www.eyeonworldwide.com/forum/com ... D=48&55164 you can see my most recent posts on the page on this subject. The only reason I just joined this forum was the fact that I came accross it when I googled Vista Capital, due to my concerns about that company. I have told people of my suspicions about Vista Capital in my previous posts, such as a Gatwick Airport postal box for a registered address and have not reccommended them at any time, but the fact remains I did request my money back and to my surprise I now have it, read what you want into that. As I have said I have not and do not reccommend this company in any way and would only consider using them if it becomes clear that they are an effective legit company, this would take time and would have to come from positive feedback from people that you know and can trust, I know trust can be hard to come buy.
By the way I sent an email requesting the return of my money on Sat Nov 14th and I received an email from them today saying that my funds have been returned and when I looked they were there. Also thought it worth mentioning I got ripped off £5000 in the Bulgaria Buy to let farce (BBTL), and as a result have posted on the Petarch Riverside village EOW forum although not recently ( but my posts are recorded there as well see page -
http://www.eyeonworldwide.com/forum/com ... 37&page=25 ), as I have given up on the prospect of getting my money back, so I would be the first to say that the people who organise scams are the lowest form of scum and should be wiped out.