Another day in Paradise

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Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Di & Sean » Mon Jun 14, 2010 7:45 am

Good morning all from a hot and sunny Elenite,
Great hot weather over the weekend, too hot :wink: plenty of sunshine, no breeze, dolphins and calm sea. Getting busy now around Elenite, plenty of people on the beach by Robinson's. Paradise beach, lots happening there. A good evening had for the football down at Robinson's, again very busy. More arrivals on Messambria, so it is all go around here. Off out and about today then hope to get home to cool down in the pool and a cool beer later at Robinson's. Hope you all had a great weekend, have a good day all.
Chow for now.
Di & Sean
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Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby dougelliott » Tue Jun 15, 2010 10:06 am

Hi Di and Sean
Looking forward to catching up with you both next week and can't wait to see the dolphins and Robinsons - not sure in which order!! Doug is so pleased he won't have far to go to the football!! Love Jane and Doug xx
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Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Di & Sean » Tue Jun 15, 2010 11:15 am

Good afternoon all from a very hot Elenite,
It just seems to be getting hotter ! Lovely clear sky, calm sea and sun shining. Very hot again yesterday, but managed to cool off at Robo's late afternoon. Dolphins were out, beach busy, lots swimming in the sea to cool down. Today much the same, pools and sea packed. Off to Mind the step this evening, just what I need in this hot weather, a hot curry. Hope they do a cold soup. :)
Doug & Jane, really look forward to catching up, sorry we missed your call. Sure there will be plenty of visits to Robo's, don't forget the Birthday bash on 21st. :wink: See you soon.
Have a good day all.
Chow for now.
Di & Sean
Posts: 1029
Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:32 am

Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Marc » Tue Jun 15, 2010 11:23 am

Hi Di and Sean, thanks again for the daily updates, things are sounding good out there in Elenite. Just to remind you that I have one last new apartment for sale in Messambria, it's a two bedder and is immediately above yours, if any of your readers have an interest then please let me know? Cheers, Marc.
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Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Di & Sean » Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:13 am

Good morning all from a hot and sunny Elenite,
Been very hot and had a small storm yesterday which cooled the air. Clear sky, calm sea and sunshine today. Temperature a little cooler. Very busy around here in Elenite, Mfb lots of people, Taliana and Paradise beach picking up. Yesterday was the busiest day I have seen it for a long time. Dolphins were out again most of the day and very close to shore, I see them now everyday but it is still priceless, they are beautiful.
Marc, not problem, if we hear anything, we will be in touch.
Have a good day all.
Chow for now.
Di & Sean
Posts: 1029
Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:32 am

Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Di & Sean » Mon Jun 21, 2010 7:40 am

Good morning all from a sunny Elenite,
Lovely and hot over the weekend, a bit of a storm came over yesterday. Temperature's very warm and looks like we are in for a hot one today. Lots of arrivals, everywhere seems really busy now. Found a new place in Sunny beach, Grandma's kitchen. English food, we had the traditional fish, chips and mushy peas and cottage pie with veg. It was fantastic and great value for money. It is across the road from Condor. Well worth a visit. Dolphins are still out and about, lots seen this morning. Today a big Birthday bash at Robos, darling hubby 21 again. Hope you had a good weekend. Have a great day all.
Chow for now.
Di & Sean
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Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:32 am

Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby yo » Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:04 pm

Happy birthday Sean.
Have a good evening.
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Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Di & Sean » Tue Jun 22, 2010 10:50 am

Good morning all from a hot and sunny Elenite,
Really warm again today and very hot yesterday. Thank you all for Sean's birthday wishes. A great afternoon had at Robo's. Great company, food and drinks. A great day had by all. :) Dolphins were out and about early this morning, lovely calm sea and blue sky. Really busy now on Mfb, Nfc also busy. Looks like summer has arrived, everyone enjoying the sun and having a great time. :) Have a good day all.
Chow for now.
Di & Sean
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Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:32 am

Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Di & Sean » Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:11 am

Good morning all from a cloudy Elenite,
Cloudy and a little rain this morning, temperature much cooler. A few people pottering about but no sunbathers so far. Sun trying to come out, but the clouds are getting thicker. Although some brave enough and swimming in the sea. So it's the big match tonight, will we or won't we be in the world cup tomorrow. They are going to have to pull their finger out tonight. :roll: We will be off down to Robinsons later, a few of us getting together for the game. Lets hope we are all smiling after the match. :wink: Have a great day all.
Chow for now.
Di & Sean
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Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Di & Sean » Thu Jun 24, 2010 9:38 am

Good morning all from a cloudy Elenite,
Rain most of the day yesterday, today cloudy and quite chilly. It did not dampen our mood though on the footy, were in :) and what a good game. A great atmosphere down at Robo's with plenty of fun. Flags are now up for Saturday, oh but Germany.. not looking forward to that one. Back to Bulgaria, dolphins still here and getting closer to the shore, a lovely sight. All is well here, just shame about the weather. Have a good day all.
Chow for now.
Di & Sean
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Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:32 am

Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Di & Sean » Mon Jun 28, 2010 7:56 am

Good morning all from a sunny Elenite,
Clear blue sky, sun shining and looks like we are in for a hot one. A cloudy weekend had with some sunshine but no rain. Dolphins still out and about. Had a lovely meal yet again at Mind the step on Saturday. A trip up the mountain yesterday, then home to Robo's for the match. What a performance that was. Say no more apart from shocking. But a nice evening had with friends. Now the weather has picked up, plenty of people on the beach and around the pool, things look back to normal. Have a great day all.
Chow for now.
Di & Sean
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Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:32 am

Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Di & Sean » Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:18 am

Good morning all from a sunny Elenite,
Sunshine back, about time. Wet and chilly most of yesterday. The weather has been shocking over the last few weeks, never known it for this time of the year. Today looks like we could be in for a good one. Fingers crossed. Had a trip to Medovo and a lovely meal at Crystals last night. A lovely evening had with great friends. Followed by a night cap at Nfc. Seems really busy at Nfc now, the bar was heaving. Mfb also busy at the moment, long may it continue. Have a good day all.
Chow for now.
Di & Sean
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Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Bill & Charlie Burns » Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:44 pm

I have just read an article on the Foriegn website of NFC where somebody has taken pictures and complained about the English leaving rubbish around and not putting it into rubbish bins and should be fined all of which i agree. However i am not a prude or preduice and do not get involved in Religion, Politics or Culture, but I stay on PFB for the summer and get very upset when i see parents of FOREIGN ORIGINE allowing there children ( upto the age of 12) to urinate and do bodily functions in front of people on the garden areas, when as far as i know all apartments have toilets and both bars also!!!!! Should we take pictures of these people !!!! I dont think so, but maybe FN Administartors could inform other nationals that this is not the done thing and please refrain from it, and maybe a penalty should be inforced or at least a poster in hallways posted. I do not thinkl this is isolated to PFB and dont think it is a matter for the managers on this complex to deal with. May i hasten that they do a great job, but should come from a higher level. Who knows what sick people are about and watching.
I am a very proud Dad and Grandad.

Bill Burns PFB 155
Bill & Charlie Burns
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Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby jenny » Wed Jun 30, 2010 10:50 pm

HERE HERE!! we are on marina and we quite frequently shout from our balcony to parents allowing their children to do this..and yes its not us english that we are shouting to. maybe if we complain in the office they will put out posters with fines for these inconsiderate holiday makers... :x :x :x :x
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Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Di & Sean » Thu Jul 01, 2010 9:39 am

Good morning all from a sunny and hot Elenite,
Sun cracking the whip, lots of people out and about and in for a hot one. A nice breeze here at Mfb. A lovley day yesterday weather wise, had a drive out and it looked like a storm was coming over, but by the time we got back to Elenite it was all clear and fine. A great night had later up at Robo's with friends, finally caught up with the wedding crowd from Pfb and a great wedding had. Not seen the dolphins for a few days, but will keep looking. Lots of beach party's yesterday evening, a Bulgarian tradition known as July morning.
Bill & Jenny, I have not seen this behaviour as yet on Mfb, but I have heard some stories. I will be straight to the office if I do see it. Fingers crossed I dont. Have a good day all.
Chow for now.
Di & Sean
Posts: 1029
Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:32 am


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