Hello to everyone who knew Brian and I at PFB, especially Barry and Sue Aspden, Bill and Charlie, Paul, Irene and Jason Kuzma, Andy and Hayley and and their family, Keith and Kath and the team, and Paul and Sue.
You will know that we sold and apartments last year and, unfortunately, Brian was diagnosed with cancer in January of 2011, from which he subsequently died in November 2011.
I just want to thank all who were in touch during Brian's illness and following his death - it was very much appreciated by both of us.
Just to say life is very hard without Brian for me and all the family, but we have some wonderful memories of our holidays in Bulgaria, the many great people we met, and the wonderful nights in Pako's!
Take care everyone and thanks to Kyle for all his hard work on the PFB owners website - it was invaluable when we first bought our apartments in Bulgaria.
Joan Hughes
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