Another day in Paradise

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Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Di & Sean » Fri Oct 24, 2008 6:35 am

Good morning all from a sunny Elenite,
A bright clear blue sky and sun just coming over, in for a lovely warm day. Yesterday turned out to be brilliant sunshine and very warm temperature. Had a trip up to the gypsy market, could not believe how busy it was. Plenty of stalls out, hussle and bussle of the locals. Got a few bargains, everything going really cheap now. Drove back through sunny beach and stopped at Far...a for lunch. Sunny beach really quiet, just the locals out and about, did not see any tourist all day. Then home for a walk on the beach and a beer at Robinzon's, low and behold tourist walking on the beach and joined us for a bite to eat and a beer. Looks set to be a sunny weekend too here, hope you all have a good one.
Chow for now.
Di & Sean
Posts: 1029
Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:32 am

Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Di & Sean » Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:33 am

Good morning all from a fresh Elenite,
A very chilly and fresh weekend here, no sunshine as promised, cloudy and windy. Sun is forecast for the week but the clouds will not go away. A quiet weekend had, did not venture out yesterday, did lots of home cooking and kept warm. A lovely chill out day. Forgot to put the clock back, so was up very early yesterday :oops: Had a long walk on the beach Saturday, past Royal park, walked all the way nearly to the cape of Emine. Lovely small beach up there, very picturesque. Had great news Friday, Robinzon's is here to stay for the winter. They have started in insulate the walls and closing it in to keep us warm. Hope you all had a good weekend. Have a great day.
Chow for now.
Di & Sean
Posts: 1029
Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:32 am

Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Di & Sean » Tue Oct 28, 2008 7:30 am

Good morning all from a sunny Elenite,
Sunshine finaly came out yesterday afternoon, it got really warm. Today looks like a great sunny day ahead, not a cloud in the sky. Sea calm, fishing boats are out. Work continues all around, no big changes just yet. Robinzon's now has a roof on the terrace area, windows to go in any day. All looking warm and cosy for the winter. Our first party at Robinzon's on Friday for Halloween, we have games, a quiz and a wicked witches brew. :wink: Have a good day all.
Chow for now.
Di & Sean
Posts: 1029
Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:32 am

Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Di & Sean » Wed Oct 29, 2008 7:02 am

Good morning all from a sunny Elenite,
Beautiful calm sea, blue sky and the sun just coming up. Fishermen out, the humming of the engines, a lovely way to wake up. Oh and the birds are singing, it seems more like spring here this morning. A very warm and sunny day yesterday, a walk along the empty beach, a few beers at Robinzon's and a wonderful sun set. Temperature got up to 25 degrees yesterday, who said summer has gone. Windows started to go in at Robo's, should all be in closed by Friday. All the gardens on Mfb being maintained and getting ready for the winter. Lots of activity at Taliana, still lots of digging at the Sea eye. Have a good day all.
Chow for now.
Di & Sean
Posts: 1029
Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:32 am

Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Di & Sean » Thu Oct 30, 2008 7:22 am

Good morning all from a bight and sunny Elenite,
Another sunny day ahead, clear blue sky, sun just coming up. It was really warm yesterday, temperature got to nearly 30 degrees. I found it too hot to sit on the balcony. I know, it really is hard to believe. A lovely breeze on the sea front, but when the sun goes down, it gets really chilly quickly.
All windows in now at Robinzon's, just need to get the wood burner in and we are all set for the winter. I would like to thank Tom and Hez for searching high and low for the pumpkins. We are having a pumpkin competition now on Halloween. The best lantern competition. May the best man win. :wink: Have a good day all.
Chow for now.
Di & Sean
Posts: 1029
Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:32 am

Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby tomhez » Thu Oct 30, 2008 8:45 am

Hi Di and Sean,

Thanks for the kind words. Now the challenge is on :D How about posting pictures of our efforts with the pumkins and let the readers decide the winner. If nothing else it will give them all a good laugh as neither of us have carved a pumkin since we were all kids, which is at least ------- many years ago.

Best of luck

Tom and Hez
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Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Bill & Charlie Burns » Thu Oct 30, 2008 12:16 pm

Morning You Lot

Dont you know we are in a finacial problem here to go round cutting up pumpkins
and making lights of them, even worse you are all enjoying yourselves,
What is a pumpkin anyway as they never grew on concrete slabs in London
back in 19?1.
Have a great evening

Bill and Charlie
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Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Paul and Irene » Thu Oct 30, 2008 7:44 pm

Hi Tom/Hez, just wondering if you could post some facial pictures of yourselves, something we could use for halloween night. Have a great night.
Paul (not Irene)
Paul and Irene
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Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Di & Sean » Fri Oct 31, 2008 8:05 am

Good morning all from a clear calm Elenite,
Happy Halloween everyone. Weather is holding out here for us, there was a lovely warm breeze yesterday evening and it is 20 degrees this morning already. A very warm day yesterday, a long walk on the beach and a beer at Robinzon's. We tried to explain Halloween to them, the horrified look on their faces when Sean and I did our ghost impression ! they thought we had gone loopy. Oh well, maybe they will understand it more tonight when we get the party started. Off to Pomorie to try and get some decorations, although proving hard, Bulgaria do not celebrate Halloween. So if anyone see's us tonight, they will think we are all very strange. :twisted: Have a great weekend all.
Chow for now.
Di & Sean
Posts: 1029
Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:32 am

Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Di & Sean » Mon Nov 03, 2008 8:31 am

Good morning all from a little cloudy Elenite,
The sun is trying to come out, but gentle cloud cover at the moment. The weekend was very warm and sunny. The Halloween party was great fun, everyone dressed up, the party games and quiz went down a storm, a very good night had by all. The pumkin competition is on our website for you all to choose a winner ! Saturday another warm day and it was Kosheritsa day, where they had a street party, lots of stalls, kiddies rides and Bulgarian dancers. Toffee apples and candy floss. Everyone out and about enjoying the fun. A great afternoon had. Sunday, another warm and sunny day, where we all met on the beach and had a few drinks. So now party planning for Bonfire night, who said there is nothing to do in the winter, it has been great fun of late and long may it continue. Have a great day all.
Chow for now.
Di & Sean
Posts: 1029
Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:32 am

Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Di & Sean » Tue Nov 04, 2008 8:20 am

Good morning all from a little cloudy Elenite,
Still warm, but cloudy this morning. Yesterday was really warm and sunny, but clouded over in the afternoon. Robinzon's all closed in now, windows all around so still have the lovely view. The door went up yesterday. They are doing final touches at the moment, putting lights outside and flowers in the windows. All looking really good for a cosy winter. Bonfire preperations are under way, should start lighting the Bonfire around tea time tomorrow. Building work continues all around. Not seen much change at the moment, but they are plodding on. The big oak on Messambria, seems to have gone orange overnight. It really looks like Autumn, but the weather makes it feel like spring. Have a good day all.
Chow for now.
Di & Sean
Posts: 1029
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Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Di & Sean » Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:03 am

Good morning all from a cloudy Elenite,
Cloud again, this is not on ! It was a lovely clear night last night, lots of stars out, so hoping for a sunny day today. But lots of cloud cover this morning. Sea nice and calm, a little sea fog and a big tanker ship in the bay. May be it has come to join in the bonfire party tonight ! Went to new Nessebar yesterday, could not believe how busy it was. Found the fire work shop, but it was closed, not good news, as we all want fireworks for tonight. So the mushy peas are soaking, punch is brewing, roll on tea time to get the party started. Have a good day all.
Chow for now.
Di & Sean
Posts: 1029
Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:32 am

Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Carol and Geoff » Thu Nov 06, 2008 2:28 am

Hello to you all,

You seem to have enjoyed your Halloween night! Only wish we could have been there, maybe next year!!! But there can only be one winner.

And the winner is:- The one on the right, we think its a cat!! very clever.

The weather seems to be holding out for you at present, long may it continue for you all.

Keep the pictures flooding in, we really do appreciate them.

Best Wishes

Carol and Geoff
Carol and Geoff
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Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Di & Sean » Thu Nov 06, 2008 8:32 am

Good morning all from a cloudy Elenite,
So we have had cloud now for a couple of days, but it is not stopping us having fun. Temperature's are not too bad, we seem to be stuck with sea fog at the moment. So back to the fun bit, had a brilliant Bonfire party. Over 30 people all gathered around the fire, fireworks were amazing, although nothing like a FN display, but nearly as good. :wink: Thanks to dear hubby for dareing to light them. The food that everyone brought was lovely, pork pie, mushy peas, chillie, cornish pasties, soup, ribs, garlic bread, corned beef hash, a good old English selection and truly enjoyed by all. Our local Bulgarians had a fantastic evening, enjoying our traditional Bonfire evening and trying out our food. It was great that everyone turned up and making it all a special evening. I am now off to recover from it all, a little too much red was drank :lol: So all in all, a great week had, starting with Halloween, Kosheritsa Fete, and to finish with a bang, Bonfire night. If anyone up for a good party week next year, all welcome to join in the fun. Have a great day all.
Chow for now.
P.S : Sean wants to know : WHO ATE ALL THE ROASTED CHESTNUTS ? :shock:
Di & Sean
Posts: 1029
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Re: Another day in Paradise

Postby Di & Sean » Fri Nov 07, 2008 8:48 am

Good morning all from a cloudy Elenite,
Still cloudy here, a little cooler today. Yesterday was the same, cloudy, cooler and sea fog. The sea yesterday was like a mill pond, very weird, not a sound or movement from it. Lots of trucks up and down by the Sea eye, more workers turning up by the day. Taliana are doing the inside of the apartments now, carpets, wall paper and furnishing. Had another lovely evening up at Robinzon's, sat on the beach, all wrapped up, Ivan the boss lit up a big fire for us to keep us warm. Well another weekend upon us, not sure whats in store just yet, still recoving from all the excitement this week. Weather is saying sunny intervals, fingers crossed. Have a great weekend all.
Chow for now.
Di & Sean
Posts: 1029
Joined: Sat Oct 27, 2007 7:32 am


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