

Postby dazza » Mon May 02, 2011 7:21 pm

Has anyone else had a bill from fort noks saying they owed from previous year ???? my bill was settled in full in the office and now there saying i owe from last year ??? well i have my receipts
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Re: Payment

Postby whitman » Wed May 04, 2011 10:50 am

I have had the same for Panorama - my bill simply states 'outstanding fees from past periods' - fort noks are not exactly forth coming with information or replies on what these fee's are.

I'm not entirely convinced they are 100% on top of things, other than taking significant maintenance fee's from us!
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Re: Payment

Postby ptoner » Thu May 05, 2011 12:35 pm


I just received email on this and am very annoyed also!

I paid up fully all my fees for last year and they are demanding 277 euros for outstanding past period fees!!!

With absolutely NO explanation of what the breakdown is.

In the same demand I was asked to pay municipal tax (which I pay myself in Nessebar as I did last year).

Also in same demand I was asked for 60 euros for insurance when I have had my own policy in place and dont use FN insurance

Finally why do we suddenly have to pay 30 euros up front for utilities service charge, why not be allowed to pay it in summer as we have been allowed to do up to now

Looks to me that someone in FN was asked to go get in as much money as possible from clients, but very little thought put into it by whoever sent out these demands.

ADMIN - whats your input on this ?

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Re: Payment

Postby whitman » Fri May 06, 2011 4:09 pm


I've been banging my head against a very big brick wall for the past few days. I've asked a lot of questions but getting no response ... other than quotes from contract and being todl there is nothing they can do.

I've just come to the end of 5 yr period and now expected to pay approx double for maintenance moving forward. No discount available. The 30 Euro is just a little cheeky i feel.

The grounds are well kept etc. but there just isn't any give from FN. 1000 Euro per year .... and then 30 extra to pay bills ... give us a chance. I guess I am guilty for diving in head first and not checking the small print, but this has all come as a bit of a nasty shock (although i can't say i'm surprised). I'd like to think maintenance is run on a near break even policy but i'm sure profits are being made.

Can't really even close up apt as then you are liable for interest when you start to use it in a couple of years or sell.

It's a bit of a lose lose situation unless living there for the summer.
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Re: Payment

Postby whitman » Fri May 06, 2011 4:11 pm

Oh and my 'outstanding' monies did get sorted. It was an admin error! Insurance also removed.
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Re: Payment

Postby ptoner » Fri May 06, 2011 5:12 pm

Renewal of maintainence fees I haven't got there yet as I paid 5 years up front, but that shock is coming also in a few years :-(

Of the original 441 euro request for payment I received, due by end of May 2011, I reckon I only contractually owe them 30 euros for this years "service" charge for paying your electric.

They took off the Municipal and garbage tax - I will pay this myself in summer in Nessebar as I mentioned.

They also took off the insurance for this year as I notified them I have had my own policy in place.

They are still asking for 180 euros for service charge and insurance for past two years 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 - all of which I'm sure I have already paid and will be going through my receipts/emails/invoices with a fine comb. The fact that the invoice they sent out didn't itemise the "outstanding" payment dues means we all gotta prove we paid with receipts

Dig deep everyone !
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Re: Payment

Postby dazza » Sun May 08, 2011 11:29 pm


well i have all the receipts and confirmation of online payment but i think i have sorted it out the used some of my money as a deposit ? for bills etc i told them to use that against my payment last year but apparently i owe from last year but my deposit is still in the office
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